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El Desayuno-The Breakfast


Un bollo~~~~~A roll

Un croissant~~~~~A croissant

Una tostada~~~~~Toast

Con mantequilla~~~~~With butter

Con mermelada~~~~~With jam


Un café solo~~~~~ A black coffee

Un café con leche~~~~~A coffee with milk


Un té~~~~~A tea

Un té con leche~~~~~A tea with milk

Un té con limón~~~~~A tea with lemon


Un chocolate caliente~~~~~A hot chocolate

Un zumo de naranja~~~~~An orange juice


Un chocolate con churros~~~~~A hot chocolate with "fried dough"




El Almuerzo-The Lunch

La Merienda-The Snack


Un sándwich de jamón~~~~~A ham sandwich

Un sándwich de queso~~~~~A cheese sandwich

Un sándwich de jamón y queso~~~~~A ham and cheese sandwich


Una tortilla de patatas~~~~~A potato "omelette"


Un helado~~~~~An ice cream


Un refresco~~~~~A soft drink

Una Coca-Cola~~~~~A Coke

Un Sprite~~~~~A Sprite

Una Fanta~~~~~A Fanta

Una botella de agua mineral~~~~~A bottle of mineral water

Una limonada~~~~~A lemonade

¿Qué desea tomar?~~~~~What do you want to have?

Yo quisiera . . .~~~~~I would like . . .

Por favor~~~~~Please

Gracias~~~~~Thank you

De nada~~~~~Your welcome

El camarero~~~~~The waiter

La camarera~~~~~The waitress


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